Abandoned Flat River Pony Truss Bridge - Durham County

In Northeastern Durham County, just south of Lake Michie and along the Old Oxford Highway quietly sits an abandoned pony truss bridge.

This bridge over the Flat River was built in 1925 and carried traffic along this Durham County backroad until 1981 when a replacement was built immediately to the south.  I am not sure why the state decided not to demolish this bridge, but I am not going to complain.

The bridge is rather easily accessible.  If you are headed North out of Durham, immediately after crossing the bridge there is a makeshift parking area from the bypassed oxbow on your left.  If you get to the intersection with Cassam Road, you've gone too far.

The bridge is in good condition considering that it is now 35 years since it was last used.  I believe this style of bridge is rather rare in North Carolina as I have not seen any other similar pony truss whether still active or abandoned.


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